Meet Frankie 140 lbs later

Meet Frankie 140 lbs later

How do you turn one 3.5-minute segment into two 5-minute segments? You come armed with results! When I arrived at the station, no doubt everyone there was eager to hear more about this "Paleo" thing. Truth be told, it was not really me that delivered — it was Frankie (shown at left). Frankie, who works in the control room at NBC affliate KMIR in Palm Springs, dropped 140 pounds in the past year by living Paleo.

Frankie's on-air appearance included a lot of gushing about not only losing weight but sleeping better than ever, having better skin, waking up energized and just "feeling like something really changed." The thing is, I KNOW what changed ... like so many that start the Paleo diet to lose some LBs, they find other incredible changes happening. Things start to shift and they not only become fat-burning machines, they actually feel better than they every have.

After almost 20 years of helping patients look and feel their best, I am more confident than ever in the Paleo template. When your cells are healthy, you glow, pure and simple, and that's all there is to it. If you don't believe me, ask Frankie!  

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In addition to her beloved bone broth line, Dr. Kellyann created her new women’s healthcare line, Dr. Kellyann &ME.