Tips from My Team: What We’re Up to in Quarantine
You’re like me—we’re doers, movers, and go-getters, and we’re all used to a hustle-and-bustle lifestyle. So while we’re sheltering at home, how do we get that feeling of action and accomplishment we crave so much?
To get some answers, I turned to my peeps here at Team Kellyann. Here’s what they’re up to right now:
Jenna is starting and ending the at-home workday with a brisk walk around her neighborhood. It’s a great way to frame the day, and gets in a bit of cardio too. As a bonus, a few minutes in the sunshine boosts her vitamin D levels and enhances her immunity.
If you’re looking for a boost to your usual walk, try Ally’s suggestion. She’s been walking in her neighborhood and doing a burpee, lunge, or other “enhancement” in front of every driveway.
Jodi has been using the extra time to perfect her bone broth recipe. Rich in glycine and other healing nutrients, bone broth is a terrific way to keep your immune system happy. Jodi loves experimenting with cooking and is currently trying out some new recipes from my cookbook, Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Cookbook.Stacey has been attending virtual yoga classes from home. She says, “It feels like the zen of a studio, but I’m in the comfort of my own home and I can go at my own pace.” There’s nothing like a bit of cardio and strength training, coupled with peace of mind from your workout.
Kendall has been using the down time to get caught up on her reading. She’s a fan of personal development and mindfulness topics, and is currently enjoying The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein. If you enjoy health and wellness, check out my latest book, Dr. Kellyann’s Cleanse and Reset, on Amazon.
David has been fine-tuning his meditation practice. He finds that meditation twice daily, just after waking up and just before bedtime, helps him maintain a positive and productive mindset. Sometimes he pairs this with daily yoga poses, such as sun salutations.
Jordan has been using the time to indulge in a little self-care. Normally we’re so busy that pampering ourselves is last on the to-do list—but while we’re cocooning, a little indulgence is good for our souls and our immune systems. Jordan loves nightly face masks (particularly, our PURE + renew Collagen Boosting Face Mask), soaking with eucalyptus or lavender Epsom salts, and dry brushing.
These are all great ideas, and I have a few suggestions of my own:
Take this time to start a “gratitude journal.” When life slows down, you’ll find that there’s a little extra time to recognize and appreciate what’s most important to you.
Think about people in your life who may be spending this time alone. Then take the time to reach out—virtually, of course. Make a call, or send a text or social media message, to let them know you’re here if they need you. This is a tough time for us all.
Make a to-do list. Include home improvement projects, career or business development initiatives, activities to do with your kids, and what-have-you, and then start crossing items off. By the end of each day, you’ll have some real accomplishments under your belt—and you’ll also sleep more soundly after a good day’s work.
Dive into your passions, or discover new ones. We all need creative outlets, and they’re even more important during these times. So try that new recipe you bookmarked in your favorite cookbook, break out those oil paints from the closet, work on your spring garden, or learn to play the guitar. There’s no better time to master new skills.
My team and I hope these tips will help you as much as they’ve been helping us. YOU are our community, and we are here to support you. We also love to learn from you—so if you’d like to share your own creative quarantine activities, we can’t wait to hear from you. Send me an email at info@drkellyann.com or a message on social media to share your favorite tips!
Think Positive + Stay Healthy!