Jen's Success Story - Adrenal Fatigue Reversed
“Before I started this plan, I was extremely ill. I had gained over 60 pounds due to meds, thyroid problems and inactivity. I was suffering from uncontrolled Grave's Disease, hyperthyroidism and adrenal fatigue. I was sick and miserable all the time. My doctor recommended this plan and it saved my life. I went from 214 pounds to 160. My thyroid levels are stable without meds, all my adrenal symptoms are gone. I feel like my old self again.” —Jen
Wow—Jen's before and after pictures are incredible! So many people write me about how much energy they have after they do the Bone Broth Diet. People with thyroid problems have exceptional success on this program.
Here's an excerpt from a short essay that Tami Meraglia, MD, bestselling author of The Hormone Secret contributed to Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet.
“Adrenal fatigue is a general collection of symptoms that affects multiple body systems and can literally hijack your quality of life. Do you feel tired when you wake in the morning and fatigued throughout the day? Do you experience the 3: 00 p.m. crash? Are you grumpy or depressed? Are you gaining weight even though you’re not eating more or exercising less? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may be battling this condition.
Adrenal fatigue drains your hormones, causing deficiencies that can turn your life upside down. Even a mild case stops you from looking and feeling your best. The great news is that adrenal fatigue can be healed by what and when you eat, supplements, and lifestyle changes. An amazing and powerful form of food to heal the adrenal glands is bone broth. There are many aspects of bone broth that are beneficial to health, but the amino acid component is the part that is especially protective against adrenal fatigue.”