Project: Giveaway!

Project: Giveaway!


Jen Sinkler is the author of the blog Thrive with Jen Sinkler

So you probably want to know about the "giveaway" piece of this. Here you go: I'm giving away 3 signed copies of these bad boys! I just have one question: Tell me what you want out of all of this Paleo stuff. Living Paleo can take you from where you are now, to where you want to be. Tell me, where do you want to be?

The bottom line questionWhat do you want Living Paleo to do for you?  

To Enter: Post to comments and tell us your goal - what do you want Living Paleo to help you achive in 2013.

Deadline: 11:59 p.m. Eastern on Friday, January 18, 2013. I’ll randomly select three winners and make the announcements/notification on January 21.

Restrictions: None! All my friends around the world are invited to enter!

Ready? Set? Well for the love of 2013...Go!

Live bold, think big – and find your power!

Dr. Kellyann