It’s Dr. Kellyann's Weight Loss Month!
Ask yourself: Are you ready to be slimmer, healthier, and younger by the end of April?
Have you noticed that there’s a special month for just about everything?
For instance, July is National Horseradish Month (I’m not making this up). And October is National Dental Hygiene Month—it’s a long wait, but I know you’re excited already.
But from my point of view, this month is absolutely the best—because it’s MY Weight Loss Month. And you know me—I’m all about weight loss!
What’s more, this year I’m thrilled that my Bone Broth Revolution is helping people all over the world lose their extra pounds. I’m getting thousands of emails a week from people who are achieving their weight-loss goals with the help of my book, Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth Diet. So I’m feeling especially warm-and-fuzzy about this special month.
To celebrate, I’m going to be offering you blog posts on a whole host of weight-loss topics this month. For instance, I’ll have posts on these topics:
· Weight loss traps to avoid
· How to get a flat belly
· Tips for weight loss
· Can you lose the fat under your chin?
In addition, I’ll share fat-burning recipes, exercise tips, and news about exciting upcoming events. So stay tuned!
And in the meantime, I want you to ask yourself: Is this your time to get rid of the extra pounds that are dragging you down? Are you ready to start feeling young, healthy, and good again? Are you tired of hiding behind the camera, and ready to start starring in selfies?
If so, think about setting a personal goal of being slimmer, healthier, and happier by the end of April. Believe me, it’s doable—as the people who’ve already joined my Bone Broth Revolution can testify. The only question is… are you ready to do it?
To help you decide, here’s what I want you to do:
· Write down five ways in which your weight is holding you back from living the life you want to live.
· Write down five things that losing that extra weight will empower you to do.
· Write down two things that scare you about starting a diet. Then see if you can reframe your thinking. For instance, if you are afraid of failure, do you think you could reframe a slip-up as a moment of “being perfectly imperfect” and simply get right back on track, rather than giving up? Or if you’re afraid of cravings, would you be willing to explore a diet like mine, in which you always have the option to eat if you’re hungry?
· Write down how success would make you feel. For instance, how would losing ten to fifteen pounds or a dress size in three weeks feel? Visualize this in your mind.
· Write down five reasons why you are important enough to deserve to be slim, young, and happy. Too often, people say that they need to lose weight to please their doctor, a partner, a parent, or a child. I want you to realize that you want to do this for yourself—because you are worth it.
Now, look at your list. Is it inspiring you to take action… and are you ready to take that first step now? LET’S DO THIS!
Keep Thinking Big & Living Bold!