Lorie's Success Story - 34lbs down!
"The pic on the left is March 20th of this year at the birth of my 6th grandchild. I actually gained about 5 more pounds from that pic by the time I started the diet in mid June. I'm so glad my son had this pic because I didn't take a before pic. I was shocked when he sent me the pic this week. It looks like more than 34lbs... " —Lorie
Those important moments in our lives, like when a new baby comes, can be such markers—we can see how far we've come and how far we have left to go. Lorie has continued to lose weight and be an active part of the Bone Broth Diet Community in our private Facebook Group. Often people do multiple "rounds" of the 21-day Bone Broth Diet (including Lorie).
After the initial weight loss and improved health after their first 21-day cycle, people often spend a week or two on the Bone Broth Diet 80/20 plan, and then cycle back into the detoxifying 21 days when they are ready or when they feel like they may be regaining a little bit of weight. Now that The 10-Day Belly Slimdown is available, members of the group are excited to work the longer fasting windows into their rotations.
One thing is for sure... Lorie certainly does not look like a grandmother of six in the second picture, does she? With so much weight lost, she looks she just graduated college! Amazing!