Is Collagen Good for Men? 5 Amazing Benefits
If you hear “collagen” and think of beauty supplements, you’re not the only one. But while plenty of women use collagen to enhance their skin, hair, and nails, it’s hardly “just” meant to be a beauty supplement. Too many men overlook collagen, which means they’re missing out on valuable health benefits!
Not only is collagen good for men, but it’s also a necessary building block in their overall health. Take a peek at five incredible benefits collagen can have on the body and find the collagen product that may work for you.
What Is Collagen?
Collagen makes up 30 percent of your body’s protein and is essential for keeping your muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, and joints strong and healthy. Collagen is formed with amino acids and then distributed throughout the body. You probably won’t see the effects of collagen on your joints and tendons, but you’ll definitely see it in your skin.
There are five types of collagen: Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV, and Type V. Type I collagen makes up 90 percent of the body’s collagen and is responsible for supporting your bones, tendons, ligaments, and skin, while the other types can be found everywhere from your cartilage to your blood vessels.
Basically, collagen pretty much holds you together.
What Does Collagen Do in the Body?
From your muscular system to your skin, collagen plays a major part in supporting your health and keeping you moving throughout the day.
People often underestimate the power of collagen and the role it plays in the body.
As we age, many bodily functions slow down, and that includes collagen production. As a result, it can be harder to maintain healthy muscles, joints, and skin.
Your body may show signs of reduced collagen production as early as 30 years old, which can contribute to several forms of aging. In fact, collagen decline can be behind hair loss, gray hairs, muscle mass loss, joint issues, and fine lines and wrinkles.
What Are the Health Benefits of Collagen for Men?
Collagen is far from just a beauty supplement. Everybody needs collagen in their body to maintain their health.
There are several notable benefits of collagen for men’s health — here are just a few of our favorites.
May Support Hair Health
Can collagen support hair health? Absolutely!
Hair loss is incredibly common in men. In fact, 80 percent of men experience hair loss to some degree, and a fourth of them experience it by 30 years old.
Hair loss is mostly caused by hereditary factors, but this isn’t always the case. It’s best to check with your doctor to see if hair loss is caused by hereditary factors or other issues.
Collagen supports 70 percent of the dermis, the middle layer of your skin that is responsible for skin elasticity and keeping your hair in place. Normal collagen decline can contribute to weaker skin, which can affect hair density.
Another factor in hair loss is the presence of free radicals in the body. Free radicals can form in the body and attack healthy cells and proteins, including those inside hair follicles. However, collagen may block the damage from free radicals due to its antioxidant activity.
Free radicals can appear anywhere in your body, so having more antioxidants to fight off potential threats is a great way to support your overall health.
May Support Muscle Growth
It’s common for many people to lose muscle mass and tone as they age, and men can lose as much muscle mass as three to five percent per year after the age of 30.
But rebuilding muscle mass is possible with dedication and a focused exercise plan. When combined with some good, old-fashioned resistance training, collagen peptides can help support muscle growth and strength.
May Promote Joint Health
Collagen is a large player in joint health, and 80 percent of both your ligaments and tendons are made up of collagen. Without it, your cartilage can weaken, and you may start to suffer some uncomfortable symptoms. Over time, these can develop into full-blown joint health conditions.
Many people use collagen supplements to help support their joint health as they age. But you don’t have to wait until you start feeling the weather in your knees to take proactive steps toward joint health. Starting collagen supplementation early on can help you look (and feel) younger for years to come.
Encourages Weight Loss
As if all of that wasn’t enough, collagen can also help you lose weight by helping you feel fuller for longer. This protein can also help you kick those extra cravings that add extra calories to your diet. Collagen is also found in gelatin, which can help minimize hunger and cravings.
Remember how muscle mass may improve with collagen? Muscle burns more calories than fat, so having a greater muscle mass could translate to quicker fat loss. Plus, if you’ve done a good job of protecting your joints, having comfortable joint movement could help you get back to lifting weights at the gym.
With these benefits, collagen can provide encouraging results if you are on a diet for weight loss.
Supports Digestion
Collagen can also support your gut lining, which may help support your digestive health. In fact, a strong gut lining can help soothe symptoms of digestive upset like bloating, diarrhea, cramps, and gas.
When damaged, the gut is susceptible to infections, and your energy levels can plummet. The glycine and proline found in collagen may help support your gut lining and, therefore, support your immune system. Your gut health can also affect your cognitive wellness — it’s crazy how much is connected to the gut.
Why Do Some People Supplement Their Collagen?
Some people don’t get enough collagen from diet alone, especially if they have dietary restrictions. Other times, especially with aging, collagen production slows, and it can be harder to maintain proper levels.
With all the buzz on the powers of collagen, people are more curious than ever to try it. That’s why collagen supplements and similar products are great options for anyone who needs an extra boost or wants to see what it can do for them.
How Can You Supplement Collagen?
If you’re trying to get collagen from diet alone, you’ll need to eat plenty of vitamin C and protein. Besides eating a healthy balance of foods such as fish, chicken, egg whites, fruit, and various nuts, some people choose to support their dietary collagen with a supplement.
While there are standard supplements, that isn’t the only way to get more collagen into your daily routine. Here are a few products you can easily use every day to help support your body’s natural collagen production.
Drink Some Bone Broth
Bone broth has been around since ancient times. There are records of it being used in Chinese medicine as far back as the 12th century.
And recently, many celebrities and health influencers have sworn by its benefits. Bone broth is warm and nourishing, and it comes in several delicious flavors that you can enjoy on their own or as part of a larger meal. Personally, we enjoy drinking a cup of bone broth every morning and evening.
Bone broth is created by boiling animal bones in purified water for at least six hours. The minerals and other nutrients are extracted from the bones and tissue to create a delicious and nourishing broth. Many people add bone broth to their daily routines by using it as a base for their favorite soups or using it for cooking pasta.
If you are too busy to make your own bone broth, are constantly on the go, or would simply prefer not to watch over a boiling pot of bones for a day, our powdered Homestyle Bone Broth can help fill in the gaps. This powdered broth has all of the same nutrients as liquid bone broth — all you have to do is add water.
Use Collagen Creamer
Take your morning coffee with a side of collagen!
If you’re already accustomed to drinking a cup or two of coffee a day, using our Collagen Creamer can help you supplement with collagen without changing your routine. Plus, it adds a delicious burst of flavor to sweeten the deal.
Want to mix things up? Collagen creamer can also be added to oatmeal, matcha, and baking recipes to replace milk or typical creamer.
Blend Up a Collagen Smoothie
Collagen alone is tasteless, so mixing it in a smoothie with your choice of flavor can make taking collagen incredibly easy. With so many tasty smoothie recipes, you’re sure to find one that satisfies your cravings. Find a classic smoothie recipe online, or let us take care of all the hard work.
Our collagen smoothies are packed with nutrient-rich collagen, healthy fats, fiber, and veggies to help you detox your system. Even better, they’re sweetened with monk fruit extract and berries so that even those on keto or paleo diets can enjoy them!
If you love chocolate, try my Super Chocolate Smoothie. Or, satisfy your cravings with my Super Vanilla Smoothie. Whether you enjoy them on their own or customize them to create something totally new, we think they’re one of the most delicious ways to up your collagen intake.
Try Collagen Coffee
If bone broth isn’t your style, but coffee creamer alone isn’t enough, why not give collagen coffee a try? You can even combine both for an added boost.
Our Collagen Coffee is free of additives like sugar, sugar alcohol, and other artificial sweeteners. Plus, you can also get a boost of antioxidants alongside your daily caffeine.
This Collagen Coffee is made from 100% Brazilian coffee beans and contains seven grams of collagen. If you’re looking for a lightly sweet, nutrient-boosting collagen product that will blend seamlessly into your daily routine.
The Bottom Line
Not only is collagen a great protein choice for men, but it’s also an essential part of overall health. Your muscles, joints, hair, and even digestion rely on your natural collagen to be at their best. Using collagen supplements can help support declining collagen production and your overall wellness, no matter where you are in life.
There are many ways to incorporate collagen into your daily routine, including bone broth and other collagen products and recipes. Find the one that’s right for you by experimenting with them all, and add it to your daily routine to track your results.
Looking for more information about how collagen can revamp your life? Read more on Dr. Kellyann’s blog to see how you can start implementing collagen into your diet and explore ways that bone broth can contribute to your health and wellness.
Collagen: What it is, Types, Function & Benefits | Cleveland Clinic
Decreased Collagen Production in Chronologically Aged Skin | PMC
Most Men Experience Hair Loss—But It Isn't Inevitable | NYU Langone News