How To Make The Most Out Of Fall
Fall. Autumn. Whatever you call it, it’s a new season, and a new chance to enjoy all the fun, food, and joy that comes along with it.
Hot on the heels of hot weather, fall sneaks up on many of us. We’re still in summer mode, enjoying lazy days and grilled food. Then suddenly, we’re in a back-to-school/back-to-a-routine frenzy. It can be disorienting and can leave you feeling nostalgic for the relaxed pace of the slower summer days. I know I sure feel that way.
But with fall comes a whole host of opportunities to fill your days with rich and super-fun experiences. I’m talking more than just Pumpkin Spice everything, mind you. (Although, we do love our PSL around here, too. Check out this recipe to see what I mean. This one too.)
I’m talking about ALL the festive fallish things… AND some things you can do now to prepare for the long, cold, dark days of winter.
Ready to frolic through fall? Let’s do it!
Enjoy The Outdoors
If you did summer “right,” you probably spent plenty of time outdoors. There’s no reason to ditch that outside time just because fall came along.
We know spending all day in an office or a house isn’t good for us. In fact, we’re genetically wired to spend part of our lives outdoors. Our bodies need light and movement, end of story.
In addition to boosting our vitamin D levels and encouraging us to exercise, outdoor time can speed healing and help our mood. So keep getting out in Mother Nature however you can this fall. Take a brisk walk or bike ride, meet up with some friends or neighbors for a game of touch football, conquer a corn maze, or even rake — and then jump in! — some leaves. There’s tons of fun to be had outside during the fall. If you’re sensitive to the cold, dress in layers and drink some warm tea or bone broth during breaks or when you come in.
Indulge Your Senses
The colors of the changing leaves. The coziness of wool sweaters and fuzzy blankets. The taste of apple, pumpkin, and cinnamon everything...
The crunch of those falling leaves beneath your feet...
The smell of wood-burning fireplaces, fresh baked goods, and hot coffee....
Mmmm! Are you feeling the feels yet?
The scents, sounds, and feelings of fall are intoxicating… and they’re everywhere. Notice them and enjoy them. We only get them a few months out of the year.
Try Fall-Flavored Foods
From hearty soups to apple desserts — and everything in between — the flavors of fall can’t be beat. Here are a few of my favorite fall recipes.
Bone Broth and French Onion Bone Broth
Thanks to its 15 grams of protein per serving, hydrolyzed collagen to support your skin, bones, and joints, plus extra support for your gut, metabolism, and hunger cravings, Bone Broth sipping is one of my favorite activities.
When I want some variety, I’ll choose my French Onion Bone Broth and either sip it on its own or mix in some nutritional yeast to make it “cheesy.” Sometimes I even add in sliced beef, fire-roasted tomatoes, and a teaspoon of tomato paste to make it beefy in an oh-so-Italian way. I also use Original Bone Broth and French Onion Bone Broth as the base for soups and stews. This stuff is utterly versatile… and utterly delicious. It’s a favorite, year-round, but it’s extra perfect for fall.
Pumpkin Everything
Pumpkin has a solid nutrient profile, in addition to being delicious… and a seasonal staple. I put together an entire post around my favorite pumpkin recipes — from drinks to desserts — which you can find right here.
Apples, Squash, and Stews
Try these other favorite recipes to bring the cozy, comforting flavors of fall into your home. (Just click on the name to go to the recipe.)
- Orange Ginger Mulled Cider with Collagen
- Apple Kabocha Squash Soup
- Apple Pot Roast Stew
- Baked Apples
Prep For Winter
From fewer daylight hours to cold, biting winds and drying indoor heaters, fall’s transition into winter can really do a number on our bodies and minds. So now’s the time to get prepped so that when Old Man Winter comes blowing in, you’re ready. (Ready as you can be, that is.)
Light Therapy
The days are getting shorter and soon enough it’ll be all-out dark by dinnertime. If you’re someone who suffers from mood changes or aches and discomforts during the cold months, different modes of light therapy may help.
Infrared Saunas
Infrared lighting is able to penetrate the skin and affect your body on a cellular level. It has been linked to improving heart health, vascular function, metabolism, mood, and more. It may be worth a look as you prep your body for long, bone-chilling days.
I had the chance to try out an Infrared Sauna and did an entire rundown of my experience on my YouTube channel. You can check it out here.
Bright Light Therapy (BLT)
Bright Light Therapy — administered via a light box — may help with seasonal mood changes. For maximum effectiveness, you’ll want to start BLT in the fall and continue it through the spring, so if you don’t already have a light box, now might be a good time to invest.
Also be sure to head out in the natural sunlight as often as you can. You’ll get your essential dose of vitamin D and you’ll likely feel lighter and brighter after a short time in the sun.
Collagen For Your Skin, Collagen For The Win
Cold. Wind. Low humidity. Indoor heaters. These can all wreak havoc on your skin and leave it feeling dry, flaky, and lifeless. You may notice more creases and even … gasp!... wrinkles!
What’s a girl to do?
Combat the effects of this dry season by giving your body a collagen boost. Collagen helps your skin and soft tissues maintain their strength and elasticity, plus it may improve joint comfort, promote hair thickness, and support healthy skin and gut health. It’s a must-have product in my cupboard at all times, but especially during the cold months.
I believe so strongly in the power of collagen that I’ve added it to several of my Dr. Kellyann products — coffee, creamer, orange cooler, shakes, and even cocoa! (Yes, you can enjoy collagen cocoa all fall and winter long!) Of course, I have a flavorless powder available, too, so you can add it to your favorite soups, stews, smoothies, and morning coffee, and give your body the fortifying boost it craves. You can check out the whole Dr. Kellyann Collagen lineup right here.
Fall is a great transitional season. Take some time to make the most out of it… and make plenty of memories while you’re at it.