12 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

12 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

The journey toward optimal health can sometimes feel like navigating a maze. We're often bombarded with information about the best exercise regimes or the latest sleep hacks. However, the essence of our well-being often lies in the ancient adage: "You are what you eat."

Nutrition is the bedrock of our overall health, influencing everything from mental sharpness to our ability to fend off illness. While most foods provide nourishment, some are veritable superstars on the quest for a healthy immune system

These champions work behind the scenes, ensuring that our body's defenses remain steadfast against the myriad of pathogens that we encounter daily. 

If you're keen on weaving the magic of these foods, supplements, and dietary insights into your regime and fortifying your immune response, then read on.

What Does the Immune System Do?

The easiest way to understand the role and importance of the immune system is to envision it as a fortress. This fortress is always on alert, guarding against external threats and ensuring the safety of its inhabitants. 

Our immune system, much like this vigilant fortress, operates around the clock. It's a marvel of nature, comprising an intricate array of cells, tissues, and organs that have one primary mission: to defend us.

Whether it's harmful bacteria seeking to cause an infection, a virus attempting to take hold, or any other foreign invader, our immune system sends out antibodies to jump into action. Antibodies It can discern between our body's cells and outsider invaders, marking the latter for destruction. 

The beauty of this system is its ability to remember past invaders, enabling it to fight infections even more efficiently should these pathogens attack again. However, for all its prowess, the immune system's efficiency can be influenced by various factors. 

One of the most potent of these factors is nutrition. Just as a fortress requires sturdy walls and well-trained soldiers, our immune system thrives on a balanced diet featuring specific nutrients to function at its best.

12 Foods That Can Support the Immune System

Now that we've gained a deeper appreciation for our body's defense mechanisms, let's turn our attention to the dietary options that can support its performance. These foods, often common in our kitchens, come packed with unique properties that can offer both immediate and long-term benefits. 

While it's tempting to look for quick fixes, especially during flu season, building a robust immune system is a consistent endeavor. By incorporating certain foods into our daily meals, we can not only bolster our defenses but also treat our palates to diverse and delectable flavors. 

Let's dive into this enticing world of nutrition and discover the top 12 foods that are allies in our ongoing quest for a strong immune response:


Bright, juicy, and bursting with flavor, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries are nature's sweet treats. They’re not only a delightful addition to desserts and breakfast bowls but also carry significant health merits. Packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and polyphenols, berries can help counteract oxidative stress, a primary culprit behind cellular degradation

Oxidative stress accelerates aging and can suppress our immune function. However, the regular consumption of berries provides our cells with a shield, enhancing their resilience and vitality. This fortification results in a more proactive and potent immune system, ready to ward off infections and illnesses. 

Cruciferous Vegetables

The cruciferous vegetable family includes:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Kale
  • Cabbage

Their dense nutrient content is unparalleled, making them an essential component of a health-conscious diet. 

For example, glucosinolates, unique to these veggies, metamorphose into powerful compounds post-ingestion. These compounds can bolster our immune system, supporting its efficiency and responsiveness. 

Moreover, the regular consumption of cruciferous vegetables can help safeguard against chronic illnesses, thanks to their rich content of fiber, folate, vitamin, mineral, and fiber content. So, the next time you're planning a meal, remember to add a generous helping of these veggies. They not only bring flavor and texture but can also fortify your body's natural defenses.


The unmistakable aroma of garlic is a prelude to its potent health benefits. Beyond its culinary applications, garlic has been revered for centuries for its therapeutic properties. 

Each clove is packed with allicin, a compound that amplifies our immune response. With its variety of beneficial immune-supporting properties, garlic can act as a shield, supporting our bodies’ defenses.

Garlic's prowess even extends to cardiovascular health. Regular garlic consumption can support healthy cholesterol levels and help blood pressure remain stable. Whether minced, roasted, or consumed raw, garlic is a culinary delight with profound health advantages.


The warm, earthy essence of turmeric has graced countless dishes, from rich curries to invigorating teas. But its value goes beyond culinary delights. 

Curcumin, found in turmeric, is utterly dynamic when it comes to combating tension. Chronic tension can be a silent underminer of health, weakening the immune system over time. Turmeric, with its curcumin content, disrupts this cycle, restoring the immune system's balance. 

Furthermore, its potent antioxidant properties protect cells from damage by free radicals. Introducing turmeric into your daily diet, whether in meals or as a warm latte, can rejuvenate your body, ensuring it remains in prime condition.

Green tea

Beyond its delicate flavor profile, green tea is an elixir of wellness. For centuries, cultures have revered it for its healing properties as the tea leaves are a repository of polyphenols and flavonoids, compounds that supercharge the immune system

Among these, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) stands out for its unparalleled antioxidant capabilities. Therefore, regular green tea consumption can neutralize harmful free radicals, support cellular repair, and keep the immune system primed for any challenges. 

Additionally, its calming effects can aid in relaxation and ease feelings of stress, further bolstering immunity. Steeping a cup of green tea is akin to infusing your body with nature's best defenders.

Sunflower Seeds

These crunchy, nutty seeds are more than just a tasty snack. Every handful offers a medley of nutrients crucial for a strong immune system. 

Vitamin E, found abundantly in sunflower seeds, is a potent antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage. Zinc, another essential component, is crucial for the development and function of immune cells. Selenium, meanwhile, aids in warding off viral infections, and magnesium improves the white cell’s ability to combat germs. 

These seeds, though small, deliver a comprehensive nutrient package, supporting various facets of our immunity. By sprinkling them over salads, yogurts, or even enjoying them as is, you're fortifying your body's defenses, ensuring it remains unyielding in the face of pathogens.

Red Bell Peppers

Often nestled alongside other vegetables in salads or stir-fries, red bell peppers are not just another pretty component on the plate. Their vibrant hue is a hint of their rich nutritional profile. 

When we talk about vitamin C content, most people immediately think of citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits. However, red bell peppers actually have more than three times the vitamin C than oranges. This crucial vitamin can support white blood cell production, which is essential in combating infections. 

Additionally, their beta-carotene content, which our bodies convert into vitamin A, supports eye and skin health. 

Dark Chocolate 

It's not often that indulgence and health go hand in hand, but with dark chocolate, this delightful union becomes a reality. Enveloped in its velvety richness are flavonoids, powerful antioxidants renowned for their capacity to combat oxidative stress and tension. These elements can be detrimental to the immune system if unchecked. 

Moreover, the mood-lifting properties of dark chocolate can indirectly benefit immunity by easing feelings of stress. It's worth noting that moderation is key; while dark chocolate is beneficial, it's also calorie-dense. So, savoring it in reasonable amounts offers a blend of sensory pleasure and immune support.

Fermented Foods

In the realm of nutrition, fermented foods are ancient superstars. They’ve been a part of human diets for millennia. But there’s science behind this culinary tradition. 

The fermentation process populates these foods with active cultures or probiotics, which are friendly bacteria that enhance the gut microbiome. Given that a substantial portion of our immune cells resides in the gut, maintaining its health can indirectly support immunity. 

Whether it's the tang of kimchi, the slight sourness of kefir, or the creamy texture of yogurt, including fermented foods in your diet is an age-old, tried, and tested formula for wellness.

Bone Broth

Bone broth, much like the comforting chicken soup, is often associated with home remedies for common colds or the flu. But its benefits are deeper than mere comfort

Brewed from bones over extended periods, this broth is a gold mine of collagen, gelatin, and amino acids. These compounds can help support the gut lining and bolster joint health. Given the critical role the gut plays in immunity, bone broth can be seen as a foundational tonic for overall health. 

Our very own Homestyle Bone Broth is ripe with all the nutrients that you need to give your immune system the support it deserves. Check out some of our favorite bone broth recipes here for ideas on how to easily incorporate it into your daily routine.

Sweet Potatoes 

Their earthy sweetness makes them a favorite in many dishes, from fries to pies. But there's more to sweet potatoes than meets the taste buds

Their orange vibrancy is indicative of beta-carotene, which our bodies convert into vitamin A, an essential nutrient for vision, skin health, and immunity. Furthermore, the fiber content in foods like sweet potatoes aids digestion and promotes gut health, another crucial aspect of immunity. 

By making these tubers a regular part of your meals, you're treating yourself to a medley of flavors and a plethora of health benefits.

Oily fish

Oily fish, with their rich textures and distinct flavors, are the oceans' answer to immune support.

Laden with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B6, these fish provide a dual benefit — supporting brain health and reducing inflammation. Given that an overactive immune response can be detrimental to immunity, the tension-soothing properties of oily fish make them a dietary essential. 

Moreover, these fish are also sources of vitamin D, a nutrient vital for bone health and immune function. By relishing dishes made from salmon, mackerel, or sardines, you're not only enjoying a culinary delight but also equipping your body with healthy fats essential for robust immunity.

The Takeaway

In a world where we’re constantly seeking the latest health trends, it's comforting to know that some of the best immune boosters are readily available in our kitchens. Whether it's the rich antioxidants of berries, the tension-soothing prowess of turmeric, or the gut-supporting properties of bone broth, these foods can not only satiate our palates but also shield our bodies.

Taking care of our immune system is a holistic endeavor, requiring a balanced diet, enough sleep, and paying close attention to your immune health. While these foods fortify us from within, remember the importance of a balanced lifestyle encompassing stress management, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.

For those keen on leveling up their immune support, Dr. Kellyann can help. From the aforementioned bone broth to our Daily Divine Gummies, they're designed to provide an extra layer of protection and ensure you're always at your vibrant best.


How Does the Immune System Work? | NCBI Bookshelf

Antibodies: Definition, Types & Function | Cleveland Clinic

Nutrition and Immunity | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Antioxidant and Oxidative Stress: A Mutual Interplay in Age-Related Diseases | PMC

Glucosinolates From Cruciferous Vegetables and Their Potential Role in Chronic Disease: Investigating the Preclinical and Clinical Evidence | PMC

6 Garlic Benefits To Boost Your Health | Cleveland Clinic

Curcumin: A Review of Its’ Effects on Human Health | PMC

Immunomodulatory Effects of Green Tea Polyphenols | PMC

12 Foods with More Vitamin C than Oranges | Chicago Health

The Effects of Cocoa on the Immune System | PMC

Probiotics: What is it, Benefits, Side Effects, Food & Types | Cleveland Clinic

Sweet Potatoes | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Immune Cells | PMC