Bone Broth For Gut Health: Everything To Know
Gut health has risen in popularity as we become more health-conscious consumers. Buzzwords like “leaky gut” are hot topics because so many people can relate to pesky GI issues like feelings of bloating and fatigue, but they aren’t quite sure what to do about it.
A big problem is that saturated fats, simple carbohydrates, and refined sugars are wreaking havoc on a critically important system for our wellness, and it’s time to take action.
What if you could give your gut some backup with a cup or two of savory bone broth?
Bone broth is a superfood that has the nutrients your gut needs to do what it should, while also offering benefits for other areas of health like joint mobility and skin health, too.
Let’s dive into everything you need to know about bone broth for gut health!
First of All, What Is Bone Broth?
Let's talk about how bone broth goes beyond your average grocery store broth or stock. This nourishing, gelatinous elixir is packed with vitamins, minerals, and compounds that can help rejuvenate your gut health by giving your gut the nutrients it needs to thrive.
What sets bone broth apart is its slow-cooking process — we simmer ours for at least 24 hours to get as many nutrients out as possible (not to mention it’s great for the flavor, too!). This extended cooking time allows the marrow bone cartilage to release collagen-rich gelatin and other beneficial compounds like vitamins and minerals that can benefit your gut wellness in more ways than one.
Plus, the goodness doesn't stop at the gut. Dr. Kellyann's bone broth is loaded with collagen proteins that support your skin, hair, nails, bones, ligaments, and joints, too! Our recipe is as wholesome as homemade, offering dense, rich nutrition without the hassle of babysitting your broth.
How Can Bone Broth Help Support Your Gut?
Our gut does more than we probably give it credit for.
On average, the gut is 30-feet-long, and has its own nervous system? The Enteric Nervous System is composed of over 100 million nerves, which is why some experts refer to the gut as the “second brain,” and also why what’s called the “gut-brain connection” is being explored now more than ever before.
The gut is home to over a trillion microbes, including bacteria, yeast, and even fungi, most with the job of breaking down and digesting food. These gut microbes (both helpful and not-so-beneficial) collectively make up your gut microbiome.
These microorganisms play a role in defending the gut from harmful invaders and generate the organic chemicals and nutrients the body needs. Healthy gut microbes may even play a role in strengthening the immune system and supporting heart health.
The facts are that 1) gut health needs to be taken seriously, and 2) what we put in our bodies determines our gut health. Gut microbes need the right nutrients to function as they should, and sipping on the soothing goodness of Dr. Kellyann’s bone broth can help deliver some of those compounds.
Bone broth contains vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium that also act as electrolytes that our bodies require.
Let’s look at some of the specific benefits bone broth can offer to your digestive tract.
Promotes a Healthy Gut Microbiome
Remember those trillions of gut microbes that need healthy bacteria to feed on to flourish? Gut microbes need healthy bacteria, or prebiotics, to keep them fueled and working hard for your health.
When you supply gut microbes with healthy prebiotics, they leave behind a substance called postbiotics. Postbiotics are compounds like vitamin B, vitamin K, and amino acids that work to help maintain the balance of good to bad bacteria through your GI tract.
Encourages Digestion
Glycine and proline, two abundant amino acids in collagen-rich bone broth, play a vital role in supporting your gut health.
They can help with the production of stomach acid, which in turn can assist in breaking down fats and other hard-to-digest substances.
Coupled with enhanced mucus production, this process enables food to glide more smoothly through your GI tract, supporting digestion from early on in the digestive process.
As a bonus, some individuals get extra support for healthy cholesterol levels as a result of these amino acids working their magic in the gut.
Supports Hydration
Dr. Kellyann's bone broth is packed with minerals that serve many essential functions in our bodies. Interestingly, several of these minerals also act as electrolytes, which play a crucial role in maintaining hydration levels.
Electrolytes can also help regulate blood pressure, support blood clotting, and even assist in the daily maintenance of organ tissue. Because of these key responsibilities, electrolyte deficiencies can lead to symptoms like intense thirst, fatigue, confusion, nausea, or even fainting.
By incorporating nutritious bone broth into your daily routine, you can ensure your diet contains enough electrolytes to keep you hydrated, while also getting a delicious helping of liquids to help with the hydration effort, too.
Supports Your Intestinal Walls
Dr. Kellyann’s bone broth contains clean, grass-fed collagen proteins. When collagen is digested in the gut, it is further broken down into amino acids. Amino acids are needed to make new proteins in the body, which is why they’re often referred to as “the building blocks” of protein.
Glutamine, an amino acid also present in collagen, helps to support the natural creation of new intestinal cells, while also serving to offer a protective role for existing intestinal cells that line the gut wall.
The gut lining comprises over 4,000 square feet, and improper gut health can lead to tears or cracks in that lining. In fact, this is where the term “leaky gut” comes from, which is why it’s so important to support your gut down to the cellular level!
How Should You Drink Bone Broth for Gut Health?
If you're new to bone broth and gut health, we recommend starting with Dr. Kellyann’s 3 or 5-Day Cleanse and Reset Kit to help push the restart button for your GI system. By working to naturally cleanse the gut and replenishing it with the wide array of powerful nutrients in bone broth, it’s an easy way to kickstart your gut wellness journey.
Dr. Kellyann suggests sipping her bone broth twice daily for the best results. Replacing sugary snacks or caffeinated beverages is a great way to work bone broth into your daily routine while nixing drinks that are better left out in the first place. Not to mention, 16 grams of clean, grass-fed protein can help fill your gut and keep you feeling fuller for longer, a welcome benefit for those of us looking to shed a few pounds on the way, too.
Plus, Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth is brimming with vitamins, minerals, and other organic compounds that can help support not only your gut health, but other crucial parts of your overall health.
Calcium, one of the essential minerals in Dr. Kellyann's bone broth, plays a critical role in maintaining healthy bones as we age. Additionally, our bone broth contains other valuable minerals, such as magnesium (important for nerve function), phosphate (helps form bones and teeth), and potassium (important for muscle function).
Moreover, bone broth boasts two organic compounds known for promoting joint health. Glucosamine supports cartilage, providing cushioning for your joints. Meanwhile, chondroitin supports proper joint lubrication, which ultimately supports your ability to stay active and fit!
How To Work Bone Broth Into Your Daily Routine
Incorporating bone broth into your daily routine for gut health can be simple and delicious. Here are a few tips for getting gut-supporting bone broth into your regular routine:
- Start your day: Sip a warm cup of bone broth each morning to gently wake up your digestive system.
- Midday boost: Replace sugary or high-calorie snacks with a cup of bone broth for an energizing, gut-friendly option.
- Soups, stews, and sauces: Use bone broth as a nutritious base for your favorite soups, stews, or even chili recipes; don’t pass on bone broth as a base for sauces and gravy, either!
- Gut-friendly additions: Include herbs and spices like ginger or turmeric for extra gut-soothing goodness.
- Consistency is key: Enjoy bone broth regularly to help maintain a healthy and happy digestive system.
Which Foods Can Damage Gut Health?
Eating processed foods or foods that contain saturated fats, refined sugars, and excess artificial preservatives and fillers can wreak havoc on your gut biome and leave the microorganisms starving for nutrients. Foods with these ingredients high on the list are often referred to as “empty calorie foods” because they lack the nutrients our bodies require even though they usually come with a hefty calorie count.
Instead, indulge in foods with high amounts of fiber, which are our gut microbes' favorite type of food. Fiber generally doesn’t break down in our digestive systems; it is passed on to the microbes to serve as fuel, and our gut microbes need it every day.
The Bottom Line
The health of our second brain may be just as important as the main brain, so make sure you’re keeping your gut in mind when you pick out your meals for the day. Thankfully, adding Dr. Kellyann’s bone broth is a simple and convenient way to invest in optimal gut health daily!
What Are Postbiotics? | Harvard Health Publishing
Healthy Gut, Healthier Aging | Harvard Health Publishing
Leaky Gut:What is it And What Does it Mean For You? | Harvard Health Publishing
4 Essential Nutrients: Are You Getting Enough? | Harvard Health Publishing
What Are The Best Foods to Aid Digestion? | Medical News Today
Scientist Investigate How Our ‘Second Brain” May Influence Gut Disorders | Medical News Today
Not Only Does Our Gut Have Brain Cells, it Can Grow New Ones | Medical News Today
Bone Broth vs. Stock: Which is Better? | Cleveland Clinic
Foods That Are High in Electrolytes | Medical News Today