Inspiring Results of Dr. Kellyann's 10-Day Belly Slimdown
What kind of results do people get on The 10-Day Belly Slimdown?
Scroll down to read the inspiring real-life results of this diet, plus before and after pictures and two journals that share a day-by-day account of the 10-Day Belly Slimdown. Here's my promise: If you follow this plan, you're going to lose your belly fat. You're going to stop hiding your belly and start strutting. You're going to smile when you see yourself naked in the mirror.
In addition, you're going to take control over your belly. If you're tired of being bullied by your gut—tired of constant bloating, gas, and constipation—I'm going to show you how to take command. I'm going to tackle the inflammation that makes your inner belly old and sick, so you won't just look younger on the outside—you'll be healthier on the inside.
In addition, I'm going to load you with nutrients that beautiful your skin, hair, and nails and heal your joints while they melt away your belly fat. And I'm going to balance your hormones so cravings become history. Want more benefits of this diet?
Here are 10 (more) Reason You Need the 10-Day Belly Slimdown. Let's go! I can't wait to take you on this journey—and I'm giving you loads of free bonuses when you order, including a coupon worth the entire cost of the book plus printable shopping lists, meal plans, 10 days of emails to inspire you throughout the plan, and so much more.
Here's what the experts and pros are saying about the book:

"The best gift you can give yourself is a slim, beautiful, healthy belly--and in this book, Dr. Kellyann, an expert I trust, tells you exactly how to get it." — Mehmet Oz, M.D.

"This isn't another gimmicky diet--it's a powerful eating strategy that will take your extra pounds off quickly, safely, and permanently." — Mark Hyman, M.D., Director, Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Eat Fat Get Thin
Dr. Kellyann’s 10-DAY BELLY SLIMDOWN is perfect for those who want to shed stubborn belly fat! What I love is that she helps you do it without sacrificing flavor! This is the perfect plan for busy women on the go.” —Laila Ali, professional boxer.
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Will The 10-Day Belly Slimdown work for you?
If you’re like most people, you’ve heard four myths about belly fat. In fact, you may have heard them from your own doctor. These myths lead straight to inaction—so before we get started, I want you to get them out of your head right now. Here they are:- “Belly fat is part of aging—accept it.”
- “If you’ve had a baby, you’ll never have great abs again.”
- “Belly fat is hormonal. You can’t fight it.”
- “You can’t diet or exercise belly fat away.”
All of this is, to put it politely, crap. It is worth reading the book alone to put these myths to rest once and for all, but I can tell you now as a practicing clinician for more than twenty years, I have busted all of these myths time and time again. That's because my approach is different. It heals you from the inside out and trains your body to be a fat-burning machine.
So forget about those myths, because you can lose that belly fat. What’s more, you don’t need to take my word for it! To evaluate the effectiveness of my diet, I enrolled a test group run by an independent clinician. (You’ll see many stories from test group participants throughout the book.) Here are the participants’ results after just ten days:
- They lost up to 13.4 pounds.
- They lost up to 5.5 inches around their bellies.
Absolutely amazing! Here are the before and after pictures that Margie shared with us, after she finished her 10 day slimdown. Go Margie!

Fran, who was part of the test group and whose story is included in the book, lost 7 pounds on the 10-Day Belly Slimdown!

How will you feel on The 10-Day Belly Slimdown?
The number one fear that people share with me is that they will be hungry when they are mini-fasting. The good news is, you won't be hungry. Let me repeat that... you won't be HUNGRY! That’s because during both your fasting window and your eating window, you’re going to be loading up on luscious bone broth and eating plenty of vegetables and nutrient-rich foods.
On this diet, we’re going to get rid of your cravings by resetting your “hunger trigger,” making your belly smarter about when it’s hungry and when it isn’t. This is going to give you total control over your appetite from now on. Now, to make sure this plan is right for you, I want to be completely honest that burning fat takes more work, and at first, your cells will be ticked off about this.
As a result, for three to seven days, you may feel tired, cranky, wired, and weird. I call this the "carb flu." This isn’t fun, but it’s actually a great sign—because it tells you that you’re switching over to rapid fat-burning mode.
How much weight will you lose on The 10-Day Belly Slimdown?
I work with celebrity clients who need to look perfect on camera—their careers depend on it. And often, they don't have a month, or even 21 days, to get their belly looking flat and toned for an audition or an event. That's how the 10-Day Belly Slimdown was born. When it worked with my celebrity clients time and time again, I put together a study of real people. In this clinical study, participants consistently lost weight and had remarkable results after just ten days. As I mentioned above:- They lost up to 13.4 pounds.
- They lost up to 5.5 inches around their bellies.
- "I lost 9.2 lbs in 9 days."
- "I lost 6 lbs in my first 10 days."
- "I lost 9 lbs."
- "5 pounds, with Hashimoto's, hypothyroidism and menopause, which are significant constraints to any weight loss, regardless of caloric intake or activity level."
- "I lost 7.8 lbs in round 1. Started round 2 yesterday."
- " I lost about 10 lbs! I worked out with 20 mins of cardio and light weight training a total of 5 days, basically every other day."
- " I lost 9.6 lbs, 1 inch of my waist, 2 3/4 inches of my chest, and 1 3/4 inches of my hips! I know I posted losing 12.25 inches but I also measure upper and lower chest, calves, and neck."
- " 7 lbs, and 4 inches! "
- "5lbs"
- "11.2"
- "8.6 lbs and 3 inches"
- "7 lbs! I was already Paleo and have been for years."
- "10.6 lbs"
- "I lost 7 lbs in 10 days. WooHoo!!!"
- "I lost 8 lbs in 10 days!"
- "After 14 days (4 days into round 2), my husband is down 16 pounds and I am down 9."
- "I lost 7.5 pounds in 10 days. I know it is true fat loss because my pants feel looser around the waist - hooray! Thanks, Kellyann!"
- "Completed 10 day SLIMDOWN and 11 lbs. down."
And don't forget, when you order the book and send in your receipt, you'll get an invitation to join this group. I can't wait to see YOUR name when you are so proud of your results after only 10 days! Dawn shared this inspiring story, and her pictures with us: The results are in. Just finished the 10 day belly slim down. My husband also did it with me and here our results:
Dawn: weight loss from 10-day slimdown 8.6 lbs Hubby: weight loss from 10-day slimdown 10.8 lbs! Dawn: lost 3 inches total, 1 being from my waist! Hubby: lost 3 inches total, with 2 being from his waist. This is such a great plan. It help to re-set me! I have been on BBD since the end of April 2017 and am pleased that I was able to take off almost a pound a day on the 10 day plan!
I figured since my body was used to eating "clean" already that I would not lose as much! I lost 55lbs... I still have a little more to go to reach my goal. I did gain a few lbs during the Christmas holidays because I indulged and now it's gone again!
I asked members of my team to try the plan and to create a journal—here is an overview of their day-by-day experiences on The 10-Day Belly Slimdown.
Read Krissy's 10-Day Belly Slimdown Journal:
Before I started The 10-Day Belly Slimdown, I was already following Dr. Kellyann’s 80/20 SlimForever. My family follows a pretty close paleo/ gluten free lifestyle but we also like to indulge and have sweets during holidays. I also like to have a glass of red wine while watching my favorite TV shows to unwind with my husband, not every day but 1-2 times a week.
This tends to add up quickly on my waistline and cause major bloating. I was excited to start right after the New Year because I have weddings and events coming up this year that I want to feel great for. I was also noticing my energy levels were plummeting and after having 3 kids in 5 years, my hormones have simply been “out of whack.”
I am always cooking in the kitchen and testing out gluten free or paleo meals so when I began this was a piece of cake for me (definitely easier than the 21 Day Bone Broth Diet in terms of food prep).
- Making coffee in the morning – easy.
- Grabbing a Slim Collagen Cooler packet, ice, 2 handfuls of store bought pre-washed greens, berries I washed on Sunday, and some coconut milk I have on hand- EASY. Plus, my 4 and 2 year old always wanted some and I was so happy to share!!! If I was running errands I would just bring it with me so I made sure I had it between 12 and 1 PM.
- Dumping broth ingredients into 2 crock pots then straining into jars-easy! (but messy!)
- I made the Creamy Tomato Florentine and the Cauliflower Soup which both were SO helpful between my afternoon shake and my dinner! I had about 1-2 cups each day and some La Croix if I was getting hungry.
- Lastly, when it came to my SLIM plate I was already used to doing this, like I mentioned above, minus adding rice, squash, sweet potatoes or organic white potatoes. So I left those out for myself and made a huge bowl of non-GMO, organic rice for the family to add to their plate if they wanted it (of course they did!) I loaded my plate with as much vegetables as I could stack to stay full until the next day but I quickly saw that hunger diminish.
- During the 10 days, I really missed wine and found myself some days craving something fatty and salty like a slice of raw cheese—so I grabbed some olives and that helped. When I craved wine, I would make hot tea. I think the habit was more drinking something while watching the shows vs the wine itself!
- Day 1 -I made it through just fine, I think I had enough stored energy from carbs over the holiday weekend.
- Day 2 -I was starting to get my nightly cravings of healthy salty snacks but was fine and determined. Felt hungry so I drank broth and 32 oz of lemon water.
- Day 3- I was very, very cranky in the morning, I had very little patience with my kids getting out the door for school.
- Day 4- Even worse with mood swings and noticed slight blemishes on my face. Dull headaches.
- Day 5- Experienced diarrhea, craving wine, more blemishes.
- Day 6- Woke up with more energy and better mood!
- Day 7-10- Feeling slimmer, more full, not staring at the clock for a shake or a meal.
I am now on Day 3 of my 2nd round and I must say how simple this way of eating is. It has already become a routine for me. Sometimes I still crave wine and salty snacks, yes, but I am able to work through it so much better than before! I am also excited to see if some of my hormone imbalance symptoms subside over time.
Read Jenna's 10-Day Belly Slimdown Journal:
I have now done The 10-Day Belly Slimdown twice, once with the original test group in early 2017 and a second time as for my new years resolution. Both times I felt very excited to get started. It felt like I was in the starting gate of my next race and I had a fresh start at winning this one. I had already been playing around with mini-fasting so I wasn’t too nervous to try the plan.
And being the content manager for Dr. Kellyann I knew all about the carb flu and the sugar demon and I was ready for it. That said, the carb flu hit me hard on day 4 and 5 and I was very cranky, no headaches or tiredness for me, just really, really cranky. Once I hit day 6 the remainder of the 10-days were smooth sailing. Both times I lost a lot of weight in the first few days... 5 pounds in the first 2 days!
The quick initial weight loss was very motivating and I know it’s what helped pushed me through day 4 and 5. I did a lot more batch cooking and prep the second time around and that made a world of difference. I was able to come home at night with food all ready to go so no need to scramble at the last minute and eat something off plan that I really didn’t want anyway. At times I felt little cravings, mainly for potato chips, but for the most part the cravings subsided quickly. I really think the broth loading soups helped me the most.
I love, love, love both the Cauliflower Vichyssoise and the Creamy Tomato Florentine. I did have one day that I went off track, I gave in to those potato chips, and it completely stopped my weight loss for a few days. I’m a super busy working mom so I wasn’t able to make anything super fancy for my SLIM Plate meal during the week—just chopped the the meats I batch cooked and used them in a salad--but I did do some fun stuff on the weekend.
My favorite SLIM Plate Meal was a sort of skillet meal where I sliced steak really thin and sauteed it with onions, bok choy, and jalapenos stirred in some chili garlic and served it over cauliflower rice.
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