Find Natural Stress Relief Through Food and Supplements
Caring for your mental health and wellbeing is just as crucial as your physical health, yet we often neglect it. And with stress being one of the leading factors in poor heart health, why do we do this to ourselves? While there are many incredible changes you can make to your lifestyle, including journaling and meditation, let’s take a look at stress relief diet changes you can implement to help boost your overall health:
- Stress Relief Food
- Stress Relief Supplements
- Stress Relief Teas
What are the effects of stress on your health?
Stress affects our health both inside and out. From physical symptoms, including chest pain and headaches, to emotional strain and changes in behavior, stress extends to all areas of our lives. When stress becomes too overwhelming, we risk suffering from:
- Muscle tension
- Pain
- Chronic fatigue
- Poor sleeping habits
- Loss of motivation
- Isolation and withdrawal from loved ones
- Depression
- Drastic mood swings
While the list goes on, I think you see what I’m getting at – it’s time for a lifestyle overhaul, my friends! But don’t panic. It’s easier than you may think. By making conscious stress relief diet changes, such as incorporating stress relief foods, adding stress relief supplements, or enjoying a cup of stress relief tea, you take steps to ensure a natural and healthier way of living.
What foods are best for stress relief?
A healthy diet is vital for a wide array of reasons, but did you know there are powerfully effective stress relief foods you can add to your daily meals and snacks to help make stress relief diet changes today? You may be wondering how that can be true. Some foods help boost your serotonin levels, which provide a calming effect on the chemical levels in your brain. If you ever use the term "comfort food," then you can probably relate. Other stress relief foods help decrease stress hormone levels, including adrenaline and cortisol. Making changes through a natural stress relief diet change through these stress relief foods can also support lower blood pressure while boosting your immune system. Take stock of your fridge and pantry and see how many of these stress relief foods you may already have:
Raw vegetables are great for stress relief.
We all know the importance of eating our veggies, right? But here's a tip that you may want to consider when implementing stress relief diet changes: munching on your favorite raw veggies helps physically alleviate stress, on top of the added nutrients you’re getting. That’s right! That tension you feel, or maybe don’t notice, in your clenched jaw finds relief through snacking on those raw carrots, cauliflower, and more. So, stock up and grab a raw veggie when you feel the need to relieve some tension with a quick-acting stress relief food that’s good for your overall health too.
Eat avocados for stress relief.
Did you know that half an avocado contains a higher source of potassium than a banana? If you’re looking for an easy, tasty way to spruce up a salad or omelet, while adding a positive stress relief diet change, avocados are your answer. While you do want to be conscious of your fat intake, they make ideal stress relief food additions.
Oranges can help you relieve stress.
Full of vitamin C, oranges are an ideal stress relief food. Incorporating them into your stress relief diet changes will help to boost your immune system and lower stress hormone levels. Of course, one of my favorite bonuses of vitamin C is the support it provides to collagen, offering healthy, radiant skin and fabulous anti-aging benefits! Studies have even shown adding this stress relief food, or even vitamin C in a stress relief supplement, was able to lower cortisol and blood pressure levels quicker than those who did not implement this stress relief diet change.
One of my favorite foods that reduce stress is spinach.
Load up on spinach for amazing results! If you battle stress and tension headaches or chronic fatigue, this stress relief food can make a world of difference. Just one cup of spinach can boost your magnesium levels to restore balance and prevent headaches and fatigue. Now, if you’re turning up your nose at the thought of spinach, you can always substitute with other stress relief diet changes, including:
- Salmon
- Soybeans
- Kales and other leafy greens
Fatty fish is an incredible stress reducing food.
And speaking of salmon, this naturally fatty stress relief food contains omega 3 fatty acids that help curb stress hormone levels. Salmon and tuna are high go-to stress relief foods that are known to help battle depression, poor heart health, and yes, ladies, even PMS! If you don’t fancy fish, add an omega 3 stress relief supplement to your daily routine instead.
Almonds for stress relief!
If you don’t already keep almonds around as a snack, it’s time to make them a part of your regular and stress relief diet change. Almonds provide a boost of energy, keep you satisfied when you feel hunger or cravings rise, and are a great stress relief food to have handy. Almonds offer a rich source of vitamin E to support a healthy immune system and vitamin B, which may help you fight spells of anxiety and depression. Some health experts even recommend snacking on a half a cup of almonds each day as an easy stress relief diet change.
What are the best stress relief teas?
It’s not a myth, friends. A cup of stress relief tea is a powerful thing. Not to mention, it’s a fantastic way to sneak in ten minutes of me-time to relax, reflect, and just be. I highly recommend a cup of stress relief tea after a long day, since black tea is known for speeding up the recovery time from stress-inducing activities and events. Even as much as four cups a day of this stress relief tea has shown calming effects and lower levels of cortisol in those who drank for six weeks or more. There are many wonderful flavors to incorporate in your stress relief tea collection, including chamomile and dandelion. Still, black tea has proven to be the most beneficial stress relief tea with quick-acting results.
What are the best stress relief supplements
Adding stress relief supplements to your daily routine is another simple way to maintain a healthy balance and lifestyle. Be sure to incorporate vital stress relief supplements such as:
- Calcium
- Omega 3
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E
- Potassium
- Magnesium
How to relieve stress with calcium?
If you know my background on inflammation, you know how I feel about milk. Many of us may even suffer from lactose intolerance without realizing it, and the inflammation raging throughout your body may be due to your dairy intake. But calcium is a vital source of nutrition and a massive supporter of stress relief. So, instead, incorporate calcium as an overall health and stress relief supplement. Calcium helps lower anxiety levels and ease those moody moments we have.
Use bone broth for stress relief
The healing powers of bone broth not only include healing an unhealthy gut, alleviating joint and muscle pains, and reducing skin irritations. Bone broth contains all the essentials your body and mind need for stress as well. Adding a scoop of bone broth protein is a healthy, delicious, and easy to implement stress relief supplement choice.
Stress relief diet change is necessary to ensure your health and wellbeing. With simple tweaks to your menu, as simple as adding a stress relief tea, you'll begin to enjoy incorporating these natural stress relief habits into your new healthy lifestyle. So, sit back and relax with a cup of your favorite stress relief tea and get to work on your list of stress relief supplements and foods you’ll be adding to your changes today.
Keep Positive and Stay Healthy,