Five “Magic Eraser” Foods to Eat After You Cheat
I know some nutritionists who are perfect. They eat right at every single meal. They’re never tempted by a doughnut, a ballpark hot dog, or a bite of birthday cake. Never. I am not one of these people. Yes, I eat right at least 80% of the time, and I actually hit closer to the 95% mark.
That’s because I love the fabulous foods on my Bone Broth Diet. As a result, I’m hardly ever tempted to stray. But you’ll notice the words “hardly ever”! Every once in a while—especially if I’m rushing from airport to airport, burning the candle at both ends, and grabbing meals when and where I can—I’ll over-indulge in foods I shouldn’t eat. And eventually, I’ll pay the price.
One day I’ll look in the mirror and realize that my butt is starting to look like Kim Kardashian’s… and that’s not a good look for me. When that happens, I don’t waste time beating myself up. That’s because I’m fine with being perfectly imperfect—and because I know how to get back in shape really, really fast. I do it with five “magic eraser” foods that burn off extra fat while they repair and de-age my skin. Here they are.
Bone broth. You knew this would be on my list, right? In fact, I’m putting it right at the top. That’s because intermittent fasting with bone broth is, hands down, the fastest way to erase the effects of over-indulging. Fasting allows your body to burn off the extra calories you took in, and bone broth gives you a big shot of fat-burning nutrients.
So if you loaded up on pizza or drank way too many margaritas last weekend, intermittent fast for 24 hours. It’s easy: Simply replace your meals and snacks with bone broth. In addition to melting away your extra pounds and healing your gut, you’ll be mainlining a big dose of collagen building blocks to your skin—and your face probably needs some serious damage control if you’ve been partying hearty!
Coconut oil. Your body metabolizes coconut oil in a different way than other fats, so this oil actively helps you burn off fat. To get a dose of it, treat yourself to a cup of Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Coffee in the morning, or enjoy a hefty serving of cauliflower “rice” sautéed in coconut oil at dinnertime.
Green, leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage, and kale. These foods contain thylakoids that lower your blood sugar—and that translates into faster weight loss. In addition, thylakoids are powerful natural appetite suppressants. Greens also contain lots of fiber, which fills you up. So dish up my Tuscan Spinach Salad or my Kale with a Kick—or for extra fat-burning and skin-smoothing power, make a batch of my Beyond Botox Soup.
Eggs. Egg yolks are loaded with choline, a potent lipotropic nutrient that helps carry fat away from your liver so your body can break it down and metabolize it. Banned diet drugs like ephedra worked because they were lipotropic—but you can get the same fat-burning boost from eggs in a healthy way. My Crustless Quiche is a great way to load up on choline—and it’s delicious, too.
Berries. The nutrients in berries help your body turn white (bad) fat into beige (good) fat. White fat makes you fat, while beige fat helps you burn fat.
Add these five foods (along with a day of intermittent fasting) to your diet in the days following an over-indulgence, and you’ll quickly erase your extra pounds and wrinkles. It’ll be like your little “cheat” never happened… and that’s what I call magic!