Giving Thanks
New Year’s Day is my time to look back, reflect, and give thanks. And above all, I’m grateful to all of you who’ve visited my website, joined my online community, and lifted me up with your comments and support. Here’s a gift to say THANK YOU!
What I love about the end of the year is reflecting back and realizing that everything I’ve experienced in the past 12 months is now part of my life’s story. Good or bad – it’s part of my life’s quilt. Every meaningful experience I had, every friend I spent time with, and every challenge I overcame is a new piece of fabric sewn into place. And to all of my friends out there, THANK YOU for being a part of my quilt!
The growth at DrKellyann.com has been tremendous. Hundreds of thousands of you have visited my website every month, and thousands more of you in the social media community have reached out to me. I’m thankful for all of your letters, comments, and support. I also want to thank everyone on my team who puts up with my day-to-day demands and my “tiger-like” personality. I’m not easy to keep up with, catch up with, or nail down. They all lovingly understand my quirks and work around the clock to support my vision.
I appreciate and love you all!
Wishing you a happy, healthy 2015 xoxo
Thanks to my AMAZING team:
Jen, Julie, Patti, Cindy, Alison, Mark, Jason, Kathy, Megan, Bobbi, Alicia, Amber, Karen, Aileen, Krystle, Jeanne, Kelly, Joshua, Fran, Cartier, Margot and Sam. Thanks to all of the “behind the scenes” people I have worked with this year. You are tremendously important to me. Love you. And to all of you in my community and on my team: Happy New Year!
My Gift to You:
As a way of saying thanks, and to help you start 2015 out on the right foot, I’m giving to you – totally on me – my Crush Your Sugar Rush ebook. It’s beautiful, and it’ll help you free yourself from the sugar demon once and for all! Definitely a “worth it” read. Click below to download and enjoy!
Keep thinking big and living bold!