Making the Cleanse and Reset Work for You

Making the Cleanse and Reset Work for You

When you hear the word "cleanse," do you think of hunger? Does your face scrunch up at the thought of all those restrictions? Health and beauty come at a cost, right? WRONG! A cleanse should bring your body energy, health, and a vibrant glow. It should flood your system with all the essential nutrients it's been craving while flushing out toxins, reducing inflammation, and healing your body. And it should come with choices that will set you up for a successful cleanse. Don’t you wish there was a way to cleanse and reset your health while feeling motivated, and energized, and slimmer each day? The good news is, a rapid reset like this does exist!

The Problem with Typical Cleanses

It’s unfortunate that cleanses don’t always provide the most positive experiences. Too often, people report experiencing fatigue, and a lack of motivation or strength to do much during their cleansing period. But what sense does it make for such a healthy, empowering choice to cause you to feel so withdrawn and deprived? Why put yourself through a cleanse and reset process that causes you to feel hungry and run down, with the promise of building you back up by the end? Besides, the purpose of a cleanse isn't to slash your food intake, causing you to lose weight quickly through starvation.

The thought behind many cleanses is that protein and fiber can inhibit the efforts of an effective cleanse. They push the importance of an extremely restrictive liquid diet, without considering the main problem; putting clean proteins, fibers, and healthy fats on the “no” list strips away your energy source. Think back to a cleanse you or someone you know has tried but felt less than satisfied with. Now consider these questions:

  1. How did you feel every day during your cleanse?
  2. Did you feel you were getting enough to eat?
  3. How was your energy level?
  4. Did you feel refreshed every day during your cleanse?
  5. Were your cravings curbed, or did you often find yourself fighting temptations?
  6. Were you able to make it through the entire cleanse?
  7. Did you finish your cleanse with the results you set out to attain?

When your body is restricted from healthy fats, proteins, and fiber, you’re bound to experience some not-so-pleasant outcomes. These are essential foods that provide you with much-needed energy during a rapid reset. A five-day cleanse and reset with little to no motivation or strength to go about your daily routine doesn’t sound very rewarding, does it? It kind of makes me hungry just thinking about it. So, what makes my rapid reset different from typical cleanses? I WANT you to enjoy the benefits of clean proteins, fiber, and healthy fats. And you'll still be able to stick to a liquid plan to give your digestive tract some time off to heal.

 Making the Cleanse and Reset Your Own

Helping ensure the success of your rapid reset means allowing you to make modifications. I want you to be able to make this cleanse and reset process your own. Besides, it’s about YOU and YOUR goals. There are too many incredible health benefits to gain for me to slap on a long list of restrictions. From substituting Vegan options to choosing the recipes that appeal to you most, you’ll have a hand in molding portions of my cleanse to fit your needs.

Foods That Matter

Choosing foods that matter will provide all the nutritious necessities your body is lacking. From amino acids to the healing powers of bone broth, my Cleanse and Reset provides you with delicious recipes to choose from to reset your health. Fiber and protein, in liquid form, give you the fuel you need while providing your gut with downtime to heal from constantly digesting solids, battling toxins and waste buildup. Recipes rich in bone broth bathe your digestive tract in collagen, gelatin, and clean proteins. Once your gut is healthy, the rest of your body can begin to reap the same rewards. Imagine the age-diminishing, toxin-flushing, anti-inflammatory benefits you’re going to gain in just five days.

Adding Your Own Touch

This isn’t another cleansing quickie; it’s a lifestyle change. And because I want you to see this through, I load you up with the tools you need while allowing opportunities to create a rapid reset designed to fit your needs. I share “yes” and “no” food lists and shopping lists to help you prepare. Not a big kale fan? No problem. Choose another option from your handy "yes foods" list. It's genuinely that simple! I give you recipes for incredibly tasty and beneficial soups, juices, and shakes. No way you’ll ever get bored with so many options to choose from. I even provide a variety of ideas for modifying the plan to suit your Vegan, Paleo, or Keto lifestyle. And I educate you on the “why’s” behind it all. Choices like these allow you to take ownership of your cleanse and reset while reducing the risk of you jumping ship before the five days are up. 

Need a little inspiration? How about my Asian Chicken Bone Broth? The savory flavors will make it hard to believe this is even a cleansing recipe! And it’s so easy to make it yourself. To make it even better, toss in a handful of cabbage or bok choy — cruciferous veggies are known for their calcium and glucosinolates to help your detoxing efforts.

Asian Chicken Bone Broth

Prep Time: 5 minutes | Cook Time: 5–10 minutes | Yield: Makes 4 cups (1 quart)

  • 4  cups (1 quart) of nutritious chicken bone broth (or substitute for Vegan diet)
  • 3" length of lemongrass, slice 1" pieces
  • 1 small clove of garlic, smashed
  • 1 handful of shiitake mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 scallions, cut into 1⁄2" pieces (use both white and green portions)
  • Celtic or pink Himalayan salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro leaves

Heat the bone broth in your saucepan over medium heat. Add in the lemongrass, garlic, mushrooms, and scallions. Reduce the heat to medium-low or low. Allow the broth to simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Remove from heat and discard the lemongrass and garlic. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Top generously with the cilantro and enjoy!

Modifications for Keto

The Keto lifestyle has strict views on the number of carbs that should be consumed. By dramatically reducing the number of carbs in your daily diet, you throw your body into a stage of ketosis that burns ketone bodies instead of sugar for energy. Ketosis can help you melt away some serious belly fat, and because of that, it’s a fantastic addition to my Cleanse and Reset plan. In fact, you even have the choice of starting off the rapid reset with a one-day jump-start, known as the “Keto Push.” Your body will burn off fat immediately, then lead you into day one of the five-day Cleanse and Reset. Now keep in mind, keto isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. This one-day pre-cleanse addition is entirely optional. Whether you're already on the Keto plan or interested in jump-starting your weight loss efforts with this cleanse, it is not required to see results. I promise you; you'll see the amazing benefits of my Cleanse and Reset even without the Keto Push. It’s just another example of how you can choose to make the Cleanse and Reset your own.

Keto Tweaks

If you’re looking for a rapid reset that allows easily substituted options, this is it! Load up on Keto-friendly ingredients using ANY of my delicious recipes. Avoid starchy fruits and veggies when creating your green smoothies and soups, and you're set! One of my most popular Keto-friendly bone broth recipes is the Golden Broth. It’s a magical turmeric bone broth fat burner. Talk about a bowl of healing goodness!

Golden Bone Broth Recipe


  • 8 ounces of Bone Broth (or use my Collagen Broth to Go)
  • ¼  cup of coconut milk
  • ½ tsp of ground turmeric powder
  • ¼ tsp of salt
  • ¼ tsp of pepper
  • ¼ tsp of garlic powder

Directions: Add all of your ingredients into a small pot and heat on medium until the bone broth begins to reach a slight rolling boil. You can even add a dash of cayenne pepper or cinnamon for a bit of added thermogenic properties.

Don’t Give Up Your Exercise Goals

Don’t mistake my Cleanse and Reset for one that deprives you of energy, motivation, and fulfillment. If your typical day involves exercise, then you should feel free to exercise! A rapid reset should strip you of toxins and illness, not dictate what activities you can and can’t do. Besides, exercising supports your cleansing efforts. When you work out, your body can trigger the release of additional toxins through your sweat and blood circulation. The combination of cleansing and exercising will even support the health and efforts of your digestive system while working to restore the health of your entire body. Pretty powerful, right?

My Cleanse and Reset pumps you full of everything you need to keep you motivated and focused on your physical goals. The clean proteins, healthy fats, and the perfect amount of fiber keep you feeling satisfied while giving your body that boost of energy other cleanses just don't provide. And it’s so much easier to exercise during a cleanse if you aren't dealing with cravings, hunger pains, and a lack of energy. I designed my rapid reset to support you in every way and give your metabolism a helpful boost.

 While it is safe to exercise during your rapid reset and I do encourage it, I also want you to be smart about it. Be mindful of the diet restrictions you’re on during these five days of the Cleanse and Reset. Your body is used to exercising and burning energy based on your regular daily intake. Depending on what your usual exercise routine entails, some slight modification should be considered:

  • Reduce the intensity of your typical workout if you tend to do high-intensity workouts or any interval training. Your body is used to getting its energy from your blood glucose. Your five-day cleanse won't allow your body to rely on the carbs and sugars it’s used to drawing energy from, so you'll want to adjust for the temporary reduction in intensity. Don’t worry, it’s just a temporary tweak and won’t affect your hard work.  
  • While you’ll feel energized from the clean proteins other cleanses restrict, you’ll want to trim back a bit on the length of each workout. The decrease in protein and fiber won’t provide your body with the same amount of stored energy it is used to. Just be sure to listen to your body to ensure your safety.
  • Low-impact exercises are perfect, whether you’re modifying or just starting up a routine. Yoga, Pilates, or a brisk powerwalk are all fantastic options. You’ll stay active without pushing yourself too hard.

Coffee Lover

Just another perfect example of making this rapid reset your own. I know better than to take coffee away from my coffee lovers! In fact, it’s another little luxury I encourage you to enjoy. The truth is, coffee has its own set of cleansing benefits. Contrary to what you’ve heard, coffee offers many health benefits. It’s actually hydrating, although many still believe it strips you of water. And yes, you can count this towards your daily water intake. Other benefits include:

  • Lower your risk of diabetes with three to four cups of coffee a day
  • Lower risks of dementia
  • Improve physical performance
  • Increases calories you burn after a workout
  • Increases endurance
  • Reduces pain from workouts
  • Roughly 15% increase in calories burned when consumed before your workouts

Cleansing doesn’t have you scrunching your face anymore, does it? With the flexibility my rapid reset allows, it’s easy to see why many are jumping on board to revitalize their health. If you’re ready to make some changes or just get back to your usual, healthy lifestyle, join me in the Cleanse and Reset that was made with you in mind!

Keep thinking Big and living BOLD!