Why You Need a Dairy-Free Cleanse and Detox
There have been many debates surrounding dairy in your diet. There may even be some of you reading this who are unaware of your lactose intolerance. Think back for a moment. When was the last time you experienced irritations or discomfort from a drink or meal? Now think about your overall health. Any issues or concerns that may or may not have an explanation you’re satisfied with? Let’s take a look at a few reasons your body may need a dairy-free cleanse and reset.
There may be several reasons you experience dreaded discomforts, such as:
- Pain or swelling from bloating
- Diarrhea
- Gas
- Unexplained cramping
- Constipation
Don’t be so quick to rule out dairy as your culprit. Dairy can cause minor annoyances, including congestion or a stuffy nose. But it can also be the cause of more pressing concerns, including:
- Skin rashes or irritations
- Bouts with asthma
- An unhealthy GI tract
- Inflammation buildup leading to additional health concerns
- Dull skin and premature signs of aging
Your body is calling out for help, and a cleanse and reset may be exactly what it needs. With a nourishing 5-day cleanse, you can hit the reset button and rid your body of toxins, waste, and inflammation. By choosing a dairy-free route, you’ll cleanse your cells, heal your body, and restore your overall health.
Jumpstart a New You with a 5-Day Cleanse
If you’re tired of feeling run down, too uncomfortable to get out and be active, or too afraid to leave the safety of your nearby bathroom, then listen up! My 5-day cleanse is loaded with the essentials you need to revive your health. It’s even designed to be modified to suit your lifestyle, including Keto, Vegan, and yes, dairy-free.
Replacing Dairy in a Smoothie Cleanse Plan
Sound like too much trouble? It can be done! And I will walk you through it so you can focus on feeling good again. I’ll even provide you with a ton of yummy smoothie cleanse recipes to enjoy!
If you’re dreading the thought of giving up dairy, I know how you feel. It’s a bitter-sweet love, but it's a must. There are a variety of healthy milk alternatives that won’t leave you feeling like you’re about to pop out of your jeans after each meal. So, break up with your havoc-wreaking dairy products and try one of these fabulous alternatives. Your gut will thank you for it.
Almond Milk
Here’s a Keto-friendly alternative when you choose unsweetened. It's low in carbs and calories and provides vitamins, nutrients, and a touch of protein.
Oat Milk
Oat milk offers Keto, Paleo, and Gluten-free seekers a plant-based “milk” option. It’s also low in fat. Yes, please!
Do keep in mind that it’s made up of grain, which can be an issue for some. Watch for gluten-free labels, carb concerns, and possible added preservatives.
Coconut Milk
My Whole 30 friends will love subbing coconut milk in their food prep and smoothie cleanse recipes. Avoid carrageenan and keep it unsweetened. You’ll get in some healthy fats and triglycerides, fatty acids that provide energy.
Trust me when I say you can do this without dairy. If you’re fed up with feeling miserable, revive your health with a cleanse and reset. After a quick 5-day cleanse, you’ll look and feel better than ever! Let’s jumpstart your healthy lifestyle today!
Keep thinking Big and living BOLD!