These Days, This Author is 'Booked' Solid!
All Work and No Play Makes This Author a Dull — but Smarter! — Girl ... You may think I’ve been pretty quiet lately, and that I flat-out disappeared. That’s not quite the case … I’m on a mission for you and your health. These past several weeks have been full-speed-ahead on a variety of projects. I love what I do and have taken on super-human workloads to the tune of about 15 hours per day for … well, a long time. I’m not complaining — not one bit. I’ve lived with my high-energy self for a good while.
I’m intense and focused, which are traits not embraced by everyone. Speaking of focus, my vision is super-clear and if anything crosses my path that is not congruent with my vision, it’s an immediate "no.” I love living that way and I suggest you give that philosophy a try. It makes work and lifestyle choices a lot easier! I’ve channeled my recent research and findings into several outlets this past year. In a nutshell (a Paleo-approved nut, of course), I’ve been busy with:
- Living Paleo for Dummies (2012, Wiley). I co-authored this book with celebrity Paleo chef Melissa Joulwan. It’s been selling like crazy and is becoming one of those classic "must-have" reference books. I’m really proud of the book and blown away by the unbelievable sales, which tells me people care about health in a big, big way. Amazon gave it a great review by such Paleo pros as Melissa Hartwig of Whole9, the Paleo Parents, Nom-Nom Paleo; Paleo fitness guru Pat Flynn of The Chronicles of Strength; and the absolutely lovely and popular Paleo chef Arsy of Rubies and Radishes.
- Paleo Cookbook for Dummies (August 2013, Wiley). Remember The Joy of Cooking? Well this 360-page wonder is truly “The Joy of Paleo.” No kidding. Go ahead and think of one possible cooking/recipe/Paleo-transitioning question and you’ll find the answer in this book, the quintessential solutions guide for Paleo-passionate cooks. As the author, I invited nine Paleo greats to contribute to this treasure, and 75 percent of the recipes are whole30(™)-approved. You can pre-order on Amazon, as it’s not slated to be out until mid- to late-summer.
- Paleo Fitness for Dummies (December 2013, Wiley). Working with fitness guru Pat Flynn of thechroniclesofstrength.com, we’ve created a book of veritable blue-ocean stuff. There is NOTHING like it in the marketplace. I was the luckiest girl in the world to have met the smart, talented (and very funny) Flynn at a Mastermind gathering in Philadelphia, where we became instant friends and made this book happen. If you want the absolute cutting-edge ON FIRE fitness info., this book is for you.
Our goal was to help readers burn fat and get them insanely lean and strong … in just minutes a day. - Just Signed a “Sa-weeet!” Contract on Another Book. I promise that it will be awesome, and that's all I’m saying about that for now! Check back in a few days and you’ll get the update on my latest home-delivery ventures.