Easy Paleo Holiday Brunch

Easy Paleo Holiday Brunch

Holiday brunches certainly have their advantages! The term "whatever" comes to mind, as in the menu can include typical breakfast fare or not. And no need to serve before noon. Afternoon brunches work, too!

Brunch comes without clocks or hyper-organization. Because it’s not exactly breakfast or lunch, the host can be as whimsical as he or she wants, serving something sweet and/or savory, and light and/or substantial.

Casual also means kid friendly — another big bonus.

So slow down and take a break from the mad holiday dash. Grab a primal mimosa and start planning a stress-free holiday brunch that’s sure to add a little sparkle to your season.

Here are 5 Yummy Paleo Holiday Brunch ideas:

Dr. Kellyann's Primal Mimosa

Paleo Crab Benedict

Primal Baked Eggs

Crust-less Quiche

Scotch Eggs

Keep thinking big and living bold!

-Dr. Kellyann