My Perfect Paleo Thanksgiving Menu
I believe I finally have my Thanksgiving Day down to a science. I know it's going to be crazy busy, so I’ll start the day off with my meditation ritual, sitting quietly in gratitude.
(As I gently reminded you (wink) in recent posts, pouring from an empty cup is no good for anyone, and prioritizing pre-holiday self-care should be non-negotiable. So I’m taking my own advice.)
As for the menu, it’s going to be simple. I know what my family likes to eat, and I stick to their favorites — and basics — for the most part. Sure, there will be moments when pulling it all off seems impossible, and fear sets in that one, or two, side dishes are going to be cold when I serve them. But for the most part, when I sit down to enjoy that Thanksgiving meal with my family, I’ll be glad to have put in the hard work that made my family smile… and made me smile too.
Whatever your Thanksgiving ritual is, I hope you have a wonderful day... and always remember that nutritious food can be delicious food!
Here's what's on my menu this year...
Roast Turkey with Leeks and Apple
The key to this amazingly juicy roast turkey is stuffing it with leeks, carrots, green apple, and celery.
Mashed Cauliflower
Watching your carbs or on any of my plans? Mashed cauliflower is the perfect swap for high-carb mashed potatoes!
Thanksgiving Paleo Gravy
My go-to gravy is Paleo-friendly and of course contains my favorite food, bone broth!
>>> Get the recipe here <<<
Grain-Free Stuffing
Yes, if you're gluten-free or grain-free, you can still enjoy stuffing! Check out this delicious recipe for your turkey’s favorite side dish, plus several other ways to use this yummy stuffing all year ‘round.
Roasted Winter Squash
Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving unless the smell of cinnamon and nutmeg is in the air. This roasted winter squash is the perfect nutrition powerhouse for these spices.
Cranberry Apple Sauce
Antioxidant-rich cranberries are a must-have for me at Thanksgiving and trust me when I say... this recipe is the best!
Paleo Pumpkin Pie
Today is not the day we want to skip dessert, but we can make this Thanksgiving favorite a little healthier.

Single-Serving Mug Cakes
Avoid the temptation of a whole pie, but still give your sweet tooth a treat. These mug cakes use healthy ingredients, are quick to prepare, and have all the flavors of the season.
Vanilla Latte Collagen Mug Cake
>>> Get the Vanilla Latte Collagen Mug Cake recipe here <<<
Apple Cinnamon Mug Cake
>>> Get the Apple Cinnamon Mug Cake recipe here <<<

Here's to an amazing Thanksgiving! I’m so grateful for YOU!